Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Effulgent Soul

Everyday in retrospection I am struck by a thought, a thought which makes me inquisitive to find out my raison d'etre. I try to find an answer and someone replies from within, that I am as radiant as the shining sun, as beautiful as the moon, as enchanting as the peak of the tallest mountain and as peaceful as the silence after a stormy night.
I ask then, who are you and are you within me and the inner voice replies, that I define existence, I define you, and you must search for me. A strange answer to a never ending question. As my mind seems obfuscated and grapples with this strange thought, the voice continues to reveal itself.
I am the soul, I do not have a beginning or and end. I am infinite and you are a part of me. You can define me as energy, infinite energy, the sum total of which remains constant. I can be proved as omnipresent because energy is everywhere, even a book on a table has energy, on account of the potential energy it has due to its mass and height above the ground. I know it sounds strange but may be you never thought from such a perspective.
To exemplify a bit more, just look at your body. It is full of energy, each and every part of it. It is just that in this physical world, your body dissipates energy and needs incessant replenishment. But it ultimately depends on energy in some form or the other. Therefore you come in contact with your soul, that is me, every moment in your life. It is just that the process is so natural that this never catches our attention.
If you have prayed anytime in your life, then who do you think you are praying to? Is it that God that you believe in or some supernatural phenomenon? Whatever be your answer, the truth is that when you pray, you inspire yourself. When you pray from your heart for someone, there is a sense of divine serenity, never felt before. This experience emanates from within you, your prayer has inspired your mind to get closer to the soul and believe me that depending what mind prays for and the intensity with which it prays, can make a difference. So the point is that you are the soul yourself, it is just that you are in a state of oblivion, in a state of partial truth. You are a form of energy and the everything you do involves energy. So you can never escape the truth, that you are a part of me, a living force with lesser energy levels as compared to the soul and the entire purpose of your life is getting back to the soul.
I am not a king or a queen who sits somewhere in heaven above you. I do not have a specific form and I am capable of taking any form. I am everywhere after all, in everything you have seen or felt so far. I am energy, I am an experience supra to all experiences that you have had. I am love that you experience, I am the warmth that a mother feels when she feels the breath of her child on her cheeks, I am happiness that you experience after a sacrifice made in honour of someone, I am the courage that sits in you like the inner fire, I am the determination that tells you to try once again despite a 1000 failures. I am not an object of desire, like a blonde girl, rather I am the cause for your existence.
I will always exist, and you will also be there forever but not in the same form you visualize yourself. At last, it says that find yourself, find me, make yourself aware of the truth. Then one day you will find me, and will never want to return from that state of truth because you will be overwhelmed by the sheer joy of discovering the truth.
Come to me, your source. Because when I will come, your ego will melt and there will be love with no strings of quid pro quo. You body will heal and your mind will merge with me. We will be like the flame and the light, spread light and warmth while we burn together "(just like a candle burning). Come to me, come to me, come to me.

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